import Property from "../Property";
Adds a mixin to a Property subclass. Mixins are a handy way to share life-cycle and shadow functionality
across properties without using inheritance (which is fine too). A factory function is passed as the
single parameter and returns a plain javascript object ( The
mixin object can have:
* property lifecycle methods - these methods will be invoked before the property's implementation.
* @shadow marked methods - these methods will be mapped onto the shadow after the actual property's
shadow methods have been defined.
* other methods - these will not be mapped onto the property or shadow so there is no chance of
conflict with the property, shadow, or other mixins.
A minimal mixin example:
function mixinFactory(property) {
// perform sub-property setup on the property (this example assumes ObjectProperty subclass)
property.addPropertyClass(_connected, PrimitiveProperty, false, true);
return {
// lifecycle method
propertyDidShadow() {
console.log("Mixin propertyDidShadow() called");
// shadow method
echo(msg) {
console.log("Mixin echos: " + msg);
Use the mixin using the @mixin() decorator:
class UsersCollection extends CollectionProperty { ... }
Access the mixin shadow methods as normal:
users.echo("Hello mixin");
mixinFactory - a function of the form: factory(property) : POJO
export default function mixin(mixinFactory) {
return function registerMixin(target, name, descriptor) {
const p = Property;
if (!Property.isPrototypeOf(target)) {
throw new SyntaxError("@mixin() must be applied to a Property subclass.");
if (!target.mixins) {
target.mixins = [];