import {
} from "akutils";
import isPlainObject from "lodash.isplainobject";
import Emitter from "component-emitter";
import ArrayProperty from "../ArrayProperty";
import createPropertyClass from "../createPropertyClass";
import KeyedApi from "../KeyedApi";
import MapProperty from "../MapProperty";
import ObjectShadowImpl from "../ObjectShadowImpl";
import PrimitiveProperty from "../PrimitiveProperty";
import Property from "../Property";
import StateType from "../StateType";
import Store from "../Store";
import CollectionShadow from "./CollectionShadow";
import ModelProperty from "./ModelProperty";
import appDebug, { CollectionPropertyKey as DebugKey } from "../debug";
const debug = appDebug(DebugKey);
const _endpoint = "_endpoint";
const _id2cid = "_id2cid";
const _idName = "idName";
const _lastPageSize = 'lastPageSize';
const _limit = '_limit';
const _models = "_models";
const _nextOffset = 'nextOffset';
const _paging = '_paging';
const _synced = "synced";
const _autocheckpoint = Symbol("autocheckpoint");
const _fetching = Symbol('fetching');
const _middleware = Symbol("middleware");
const _offlineState = Symbol('offlineState');
Event emitted on collection changes.
export const ChangeEvent = "change";
Event emitted on collection destroy() success.
export const DeletedEvent = "deleted";
Event emitted on collection fetch() success.
export const FetchedEvent = "fetched";
Event emitted on collection find() success.
export const FoundEvent = "sound";
Event emitted on error during an operation.
export const ErrorEvent = "error";
Event emitted on collection save() success.
export const SavedEvent = "saved";
Middleware operation for create requests.
export const CreateOp = "create";
Middleware operation for destroy requests.
export const DestroyOp = "destroy";
Middleware operation for fetch requests.
export const FetchOp = "fetch";
Middleware operation for find requests.
export const FindOp = "find";
Middleware operation for update requests.
export const UpdateOp = "update";
All middleware operations.
export const AllOp = [ CreateOp, DestroyOp, FetchOp, FindOp, UpdateOp ];
* Paging - consider either adding an endpoint fetchNext() method or make setting the
query parameters pluggable
* Serialization - make an abstract structure so less brittle to internal data
structure changes
* Paging - sliding window support
* Isolated objects - reduce mapping costs for large collections
* Map models onto collection
`CollectionProperty` provides a standard means for accessing remote data and was inspired by
[Backbone collections]( The protocol for interacting with
the data source is delegated to an *endpoint* so the same application logic can work with data from
a RESTful api, graphql, local test data, or even an in-browser database like localforage. F.lux
ships with support for two endpoints, {@link RestEndpointProperty} and {@link PojoEndpointProperty}.
F.lux ships with a [example](
using collections in a todo application utilizing an in memory data source. The example uses a local
data source to make setup dead simple while still demonstrating the basic features of creating
and interacting with collections.
## Basic operations
<li>`add(state, mergeOp)`</li>
<li>`fetch(filter, mergeOp)`</li>
## Utility functions
<li>`every(iteratee, context)`</li>
<li>`filter(iteratee, context)`</li>
<li>`groupBy(callback, context)`</li>
<li>`map(iteratee, context)`</li>
<li>`reduce(iteratee, acc, context)`</li>
<li>`some(iteratee, context)`</li>
## Model access
Properties managed by a collection receive an f.lux accessor (`$()`) with additional
capabilities related to the collection. The accessor class is ${@link ShadowModelAccess}.
<li>`collection()` - gets the {@link Collection} managing this model</li>
<li>`destroy()` - permanently deletes the model from the collection using
{@link CollectionProperty#destroy}</li>
<li>`id()` - gets the ID used by the data source for tracking the model</li>
<li>`isWaiting()` - is a network operation in progress associated with this model</li>
<li>`isDirty()` - has the model been modified since it was last saved/retrieved</li>
<li>`isNew()` - gets whether the model has yet to be written to the collection's endpoint</li>
<li>`remove()` - removes the model from the collection using {@link CollectionProperty#remove}</li>
<li>`save()` - save the model using {@link CollectionProperty#save}</li>
## Paging
The collection provides redimentary paging support for potentially large collections. The
current implementation simply grows the collection size wtih each call to `fetchNext()`
and does not make any efforts to remove previous models. (A likely future enhancement)
<li>`fetchNext()` - gets the next group of models</li>
<li>`isPaging()` - gets if a paging request is outstanding (only one paging request per
collection allowed at one time)</li>
<li>`hasMorePages()` - does the endpoint have additional models</li>
<li>`nextOffset()` - gets the offset for the next paging request</li>
<li>`resetPaging()` - resets the internal paging variables</li>
<li>`setLimit()` - change the number of models requested with each `fetchNext()` request</li>
## Endpoints
Collections represent a protocol independent means of managing persistent models that
exist outside the application state. Endpoints implement the protocol connection to the
data source. F.lux endpoints have been implemented for RESTful server apis, in-memory,
GraphQL, Sqlite, and Couchbase. F.lux ships with support for RESTful servers and in-memory.
A simple, explicit example of creating a collection and assigning an endpoint:
const rootProperty = store.root();
const collection = new CollectionProperty(colType);
const ep = new RestEndpointProperty.createFor("");
root._keyed.addProperty("aCollection", collection);
The [Todo Collection Example](
demonstrates a more typical example of setting up a collection.
<div data-ice="see"><h4>See:</h4>
<li>{@link RestEndpointProperty}</li>
<li>{@link PojoEndpointProperty}</li>
## Query filters
Collection models are retrieved in full using {@link CollectionProperty#fetch} that has the following
fetch(filter=null, mergeOp=REPLACE_OPTION, replaceAll=true)
<li>`filter` - a query filter object or `null` for no endpoint filtering</li>
<li>`mergeOp` - one of `DEFAULTS_OPTION`, `MERGE_OPTION`, or `REPLACE_OPTION` and specifies
how to combine an existing model with a matching ID with a newly retrieved model.</li>
<li>`replaceAll` - a boolean where `true` means replace the current colleciton models with
the returned models.</li>
The `filter` parameter is a specialized object generated by the endpoint method `queryBuilder()`.
A query builder is specialized to the endpoint and expose the following methods:
<li>`equals(name, value)`</li>
<li>`gt(name, value)`</li>
<li>`gte(name, value)`</li>
<li>`lt(name, value)`</li>
<li>`lte(name, value)`</li>
An example of using a query builder is:
const qb = colleciton.endpoint.queryBuilder();
qb.equals("name", "fred");
<div data-ice="see"><h4>See:</h4>
<li>{@link RestQueryBuilder}</li>
<li>{@link PojoQueryBuilder}</li>
## Errors
Methods utilizing the collection endpoint are asynchronous and return a `Promise`. Errors generated
during an endpoint operation reject using an `Error` with several specialized properties:
<li>`status` - an HTTP status code for the error type</li>
<li>`endpointError` - the error object generated by the endpoint</li>
## Auto-checkpointing
The `Property` class supports checkpointing state that can be reset at a later time using
{@link Property#resetToCheckpoint}. Collections support setting an 'auto-checkpoint' flag
that will result in managed models automatically setting a checkpoint on change. This handy
for situations like a 'Cancel' button on a form where all changes need to be undone. The
checkpoints are automatically cleared when a model is saved.
## Middleware
A middleware operation is invoked before each asynchronous/network operation involving the
endpoint. Middleware operations are functions with the following format
function middleware(collectionShadow, collectionProperty, op): Promise
Middleware functions must return a `Promise` and are invoked in the order registered. A function
generating an error will terminate the middleware chain and the collection operation will not
be performed.
<li>`CreateOp` - invoked prior to create rquests</li>
<li>`DestroyOp` - invoked prior to destroy rquests</li>
<li>`FetchOp` - invoked prior to fetch rquests</li>
<li>`FindOp` - invoked prior to find rquests</li>
<li>`UpdateOp` - invoked prior to update rquests</li>
<li>`` - </li>
## Events
A colleciton is an [Event Emitter]( and generates
the following events:
<li>`ChangeEvent` - collection changes</li>
<li>`DeletedEvent` - collection destroy() success</li>
<li>`FetchedEvent` - collection fetch() success</li>
<li>`FoundEvent` - collection find() success</li>
<li>`ErrorEvent` - error during an operation</li>
<li>`SavedEvent` - collection save() success</li>
Events are can be utilized to handle authorization errors, offline support, logging, or
debugging tools.
@see {@link CollectionShadow}
@see {@link ShadowModelAccess}
@see {@link RestEndpointProperty}
@see {@link PojoEndpointProperty}
@see {@link RestQueryBuilder}
@see {@link PojoQueryBuilder}
export default class CollectionProperty extends Property {
constructor(stateType) {
/** @ignore */
this._keyed = new KeyedApi(this);
/** @ignore */
this[_middleware] = {
[CreateOp]: [],
[DestroyOp]: [],
[FetchOp]: [],
[FindOp]: [],
[UpdateOp]: [],
// keep isFetching as an instance variable because transient data and gives immediate
// feedback to prevent concurrent fetches
/** @ignore */
this[_fetching] = false;
/** @ignore */
this[_autocheckpoint] = false;
this._keyed.addPropertyType(_idName, PrimitiveProperty.type.initialState("id").autoshadow);
this._keyed.addProperty(_id2cid, new MapProperty());
this._keyed.addPropertyType(_synced, PrimitiveProperty.type.initialState(false).autoshadowOff.readonly);
// pagingTime instance variable used for ensuring overlapping paging requests do not mess up offset
// this can happen when a paging request is in progress when limit is changed
this.pagingTime = null;
this._keyed.addPropertyType(_lastPageSize, PrimitiveProperty.type.initialState(null).autoshadowOff.readonly);
this._keyed.addPropertyType(_limit, PrimitiveProperty.type.initialState(50).autoshadowOff.readonly);
this._keyed.addPropertyType(_nextOffset, PrimitiveProperty.type.initialState(0).autoshadowOff.readonly);
this._keyed.addPropertyType(_paging, PrimitiveProperty.type.initialState(false).autoshadowOff.readonly);
// '_models' property contains ModelProperty objects which in turn keep their model state in
// the 'data' whose type is specified by the stateType.getManagedType() value (default is
// MapProperty.type)
const models = new MapProperty();
const modelsShader = models.shader();
this._keyed.addProperty(_models, models);
// set the type for each retrieved model by explicitly adding a type to the models element shader
const managedType = this.stateType().getManagedType() || MapProperty.type;
modelsShader.elementShader().addProperty("data", managedType);
Factory function for creating an `CollectionProperty` subclass. The generated class will have
the `type` {@link StateType} descriptor set upon return.
Example usage:
class SomeShadow extends CollectionShadow {
// definition here
export default CollectionProperty.createClass(SomeShadow, type => {
// configure type variable
@param {Object|CollectionShadow} [shadowType={}] - `Shadow` subclass or object literal api definition.
If object literal specified, each property and function is mapped onto a Shadow subclass.
@param {function(type: StateType)} [typeCallback] - a callback function that will be passed the
{@link StateType} spec for additional customization, such as setting autoshadow, initial state,
or readonly.
@param {Object} [initialState]={} - the initial state for the new property.
@return {ObjectProperty} newly defined `ObjectProperty` subclass.
static createClass(shadowType={}, typeCallback, initialState={}) {
return createPropertyClass(shadowType, initialState, typeCallback, CollectionProperty, CollectionShadow);
Factory function for setting up the {@link StateType} `type` class variable with an appropriately
configured intial state.
Example usage:
export default class TodosCollection extends CollectionProperty {
// implement property here
class TodosShadow extends CollectionShadow {
// implement shadow api here
ObjectProperty.defineType(TodosCollection, TodosShadow, type => {
// configure type variable
@param {CollectionShadow} PropClass - `CollectionShadow` subclass
@param {Object|CollectionShadow} [ShadowType] - Shadow` subclass or object literal api definition.
If object literal specified, each property and function is mapped onto a Shadow subclass.
@param {function(type: StateType)} [typeCallback] - a callback function that will be passed the
{@link StateType} spec for additional customization, such as setting autoshadow, initial state, or
@param {Object} [initialState={}] - the initial state for the new property.
static defineType(PropClass, ShadowType, typeCallback, initialState={}) {
assert( a =>, "PropClass must subclass CollectionProperty") );
return StateType.defineTypeEx(PropClass, ShadowType, typeCallback, initialState);
Used by {@link StateType} to determine if a keyed property type.
static supportsKeyedChildProperties() { return true }
Override the base functionality method, and not designed life-cycle method propertyWillUpdate(), so
subclasses can do the normal override without using super.propertyWillUpdate() to preserve functionality.
onPropertyDidUpdate() {
// need to call parent classes version
this.emit(ChangeEvent, this._(), this);
// Checkpoint support API
Sets whether auto-checkpointing is enabled.
@return {boolean}
isAutocheckpoint() {
return this[_autocheckpoint];
Sets whether auto-checkpointing should be enabled.
@param {boolean} auto - `true` to enable.
setAutocheckpoint(auto) {
this[_autocheckpoint] = auto;
// Offline data support API
Gets an object capable of providing a persisted version of this collection.
@return {Object}
getOfflineState() {
return this[_offlineState];
Sets an object capable of providing a persisted version of this collection. The object must minimally
expose a single method with the form:
function restore()
Method sets the collection state for offline access. Typically invoked by application logic after
a failed `fetch()` to the endpoint.
An object is used as the offline state management entity because it will normally perform other
duties such as registering for {@link ChangeEvent} to persistently store collection state on changes
and support deleting previous backups
@param {Object} offline - the object containing the `restore()` function.
setOfflineState(offline) {
/** @ignore */
this[_offlineState] = offline;
// Middleware API
Registers collection middleware operation. A middleware operation is invoked before each asynchronous/
network operation. Middleware operations are functions with the following format:
function mwCallback(collectionShadow, collectionProperty)
Middleware functions must return a promise and are invoked in the order registered. A function
generating an error will terminate the middleware chain and the collection operation will not
be performed.
use(op, mw) {
op = Array.isArray(op) ?op :[ op ];
assert( a => { for (const o of op) a.has(this[_middleware], o) });
for (const mwop of op) {
Serially invokes each middleware function for the specified operation.
_on(op, idx=0) {
assert( a =>[_middleware][op], `Unknown middleware operation: ${op}`) );
const mw = this[_middleware][op];
const next = mw[idx];
if (!next) {
return Store.resolve(this._());
try {
return next(this._(), this, op)
.then( () => this._on(op, idx+1) );
} catch(error) {
return Store.reject(error);
Experimental feature to update values with any modifications from the server.
Question: should this be delegated to the endpoint?
resync() {
const values = this._().valuesArray();
var currSync;
var lastUpdate = null;
var initialId = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;
var filter, id, v, updatedAt;
// Todo: break out filter parameters to a pluggable function
// iterate all values and determine the greatest updated_at
for (let i=0, len=values.length; i<len; i++) {
v = values[i];
if (!v) { continue }
id =;
updatedAt = v.updated_at;
if (id < initialId) {
initialId = id;
if (!lastUpdate || lastUpdate < updatedAt) {
lastUpdate = updatedAt;
// setup the refresh criteria
if (lastUpdate) {
filter = this.endpoint.queryBuilder();
filter.gte("initial_id", initialId);"updated_at", lastUpdate);
debug( d => d(`resync() - path=${ this.dotPath() }, initial_id=${initialId}, updated_at=${lastUpdate}`) );
// Todo: rework network call to return two arrays: new/modified models and deleted model IDs
// as currently structured there is no delete support.
// What about dirty models? Perhaps they should not be touched if there is a conflict.
return this.fetch(filter, MERGE_OPTION, !lastUpdate);
// Paging API (could improve by adding two offsets and maintain max pages)
Fetches the next set of models from the endpoint. This method differs from
{@link CollectionProperty#fetch} by passing `offset` and `limit` filter criteria to the
@param {string} [mergeOp=REPLACE_OPTION] - one of `DEFAULTS_OPTION`, `MERGE_OPTION`, or
`REPLACE_OPTION` and specifies how to combine an existing model with a matching ID
with a newly retrieved model.
@return {Promise} - resolves with a single argument of an array of model json objects as
returned from the endpoint.
fetchNext(mergeOp=REPLACE_OPTION) {
if (this.pagingTime) {
throw new Error("Paging operation in progress");
} else if (!this.hasMorePages()) {
return Store.resolve(this._());
const filter = this.endpoint.queryBuilder();
const time = this.pagingTime =;
this._keyed.set(_paging, true);
filter.equals("offset", this._()[_nextOffset]);
filter.equals("limit", this._()[_limit]);
return this.fetch(filter, mergeOp, false, (error, models) => {
// bail if paging times do not match (offset likely reset)
if (time !== this.pagingTime) { return }
this.pagingTime = null;
this._keyed.set(_paging, false);
if (error) { return }
this._keyed.set(_nextOffset, this._()[_nextOffset] + models.length);
this._keyed.set(_lastPageSize, models.length);
if (models.length < this._()[_limit]) {
this._keyed.set(_synced, true);
Gets if a paging operation ({@link CollectionProperty#fetchNext}) call is in progress.
isPaging(state=this._()) {
// use pagingTime instance variable (instant) and _paging state variable (tied to state) to
// return the most conservative value
return this.pagingTime || state[_paging];
Gets if additional paging calls will return additional results.
hasMorePages(state=this._()) {
return this.isConnected() &&
!state[_synced] &&
(!state[_lastPageSize] || this._()[_lastPageSize] >= this._()[_limit]);
Gets the offset for the next paging request.
nextOffset() {
return this._keyed.get(_nextOffset);
Resets all internal paging tracking variables but does not affect currently stored models.
resetPaging() {
this.pagingTime = null;
this._keyed.set(_lastPageSize, null);
this._keyed.set(_nextOffset, 0);
this._keyed.set(_paging, false);
Sets the number of models to request with each paging request. The default paging size is
@param {number} limit
setLimit(limit) {
this.pagingTime = null;
this._keyed.set(_limit, limit);
this._keyed.set(_lastPageSize, null);
this._keyed.set(_nextOffset, 0);
this._keyed.set(_paging, false);
// Endpoint methods
Gets the endpoint for accessing the remote data source.
@return {Object}
get endpoint() {
return this.isActive() && this._()[_endpoint];
Gets the endpoint ID, which for {@link RestEndpointProperty} is its URL.
@return {string}
get endpointId() {
const endpoint = this.endpoint;
return endpoint &&;
Removes the endpoint from the collection. This has the side-effect of clearing the mdoels.
clearEndpoint() {
Sets the {@link CollectionProperty#endpoint}.
setEndpoint(endPoint) {
this._keyed.addProperty(_endpoint, endPoint);
// Collection methods
Gets the number of models contained in the collection.
get size() {
return this.isActive() && this._().size;
Synchronously adds a new model object to the collection. Call `model.$().save()` to persist the newly
added object.
@param {object} state - the json model to add to the collection
@param {string} [mergeOp=REPLACE_OPTION] - one of `DEFAULTS_OPTION`, `MERGE_OPTION`, or
`REPLACE_OPTION` and specifies how to combine an existing model with a matching ID
with a newly retrieved model.
@return the object's ID. And ID is assigned if the 'id' parameter was not set and it could not
be found in the `state` parameter.
addModel(state, mergeOp=REPLACE_OPTION) {
if (!this.isConnected()) { throw new Error(`Collection is not connected.`) }
const id = this.extractId(state);
var modelId;
// just add the model
if (!id || !this.hasModel(id) || mergeOp === REPLACE_OPTION) {
let modelDefn = ModelProperty.modelDefinitionFor(state, this);
let models = this._()[_models];
models.set(modelDefn.cid, modelDefn);
modelId =;
} else {
let currModel = this._getModel(id);
switch (mergeOp) {
throw new Error(`Invalid post-save option: ${mergeOp}`)
modelId =;
return modelId;
Bulk adds multiple models. Models must have an ID as it is assumed they have been previously
@param {array} models - array of model values
@param {string} [mergeOp=REPLACE_OPTION] - one of `DEFAULTS_OPTION`, `MERGE_OPTION`, or
`REPLACE_OPTION` and specifies how to combine an existing model with a matching ID
with a newly retrieved model.
@param {boolean} [syncOp=true] - sets the `synced` flag to true if this parameter is true
addModels(models, mergeOp=REPLACE_OPTION, syncOp=true) {
if (!this.isConnected()) { throw new(`Collection ${this.slashPath()} is not connected`) }
var id, state;
if (syncOp) {
this._keyed.set(_synced, true);
for (let i=0, len=models.length; i<len; i++) {
this.addModel(models[i], mergeOp);
Combines an {@link CollectionProperty#add} and {@link CollectionProperty#save} actions.
@param {Object} model - the json data
@return {Promise} resolves with the f.lux shadow state for the new model
create(model) {
if (!this.isConnected()) { return Store.reject(`Collection ${this.slashPath()} is not connected`) }
const cid = this.addModel(model);
.then( () => );
Permantently deletes the model with the endpoint and removes it from the collection.
@param id - the model ID to delete
@return {Promise} resolves with the ID for the removed mdoel
destroy(id) {
if (!this.hasModel(id)) {
return Store.resolve(this._());
try {
const model = this._getModel(id);
const epId = this.endpointId;
if (!model) {
return Store.resolve(id);
} else if (model.isNew()) {
return Store.resolve(id);
return this._on(DestroyOp)
.then( () => {
model.waiting = true;
return this.endpoint.doDelete(
.then( () => {
// ensure endpoint did not change
if (epId !== this.endpointId) { return id }
this._()[_id2cid].delete(; () => this.emit(DeletedEvent, this._(), this) )
return id;
.catch( error => {
const currModel = model.$().latest();
if (currModel) {
currModel.waiting = false
return this.onError(error, `Destroy model: ${id}`)
} catch(error) {
return this.onError(error, `Destroy model: ${id}`);
Fetches all the models from the endpoint.
@param [filter=null] - filter object created using the endpoint.
@param {string} [mergeOp=REPLACE_OPTION] - one of `DEFAULTS_OPTION`, `MERGE_OPTION`, or
`REPLACE_OPTION` and specifies how to combine an existing model with a matching ID
with a newly retrieved model.
@param {boolean} [replaceAll=true] - set to `true` replace any current models by the ones
returned by the endpoint.
@param callback - invoked before retrieved models are process or in case of an error
@return {Promise} resolves with the json models from the endpoint
fetch(filter=null, mergeOp=REPLACE_OPTION, replaceAll=true, callback) {
if (!this.isConnected()) { return Store.reject(`Collection ${this.slashPath()} is not connected`) }
const syncOp = !filter;
const epId = this.endpointId;
if (replaceAll) {
try {
return this._on(FetchOp)
.then( () => {
// ensure endpoint did not change
if (epId !== this.endpointId) { return null }
return this.endpoint.doFetch(filter);
.then( models => {
try {
// bail on fetch if endpoint changed
if (epId !== this.endpointId) {
return models;
if (replaceAll) {
// invoke the callback before processing models
callback && callback(null, models);
if (replaceAll) {
this.setModels(models, syncOp);
} else {
this.addModels(models, mergeOp, syncOp);
return models;
} catch(error) {
return this.onError(error, "Fetch error while setting models");
.then( models => {
// fire event if endpoint same
if (epId === this.endpointId) { () => this.emit(FetchedEvent, this._(), this) );
return models;
.catch( error => {
// change fetching flag only if same endpoint
if (replaceAll && epId === this.endpointId) {
// invoke the callback with the error
callback && callback(error, null);
return this.onError(error, `Fetch all models`);
} catch(error) {
if (replaceAll) {
// invoke the callback with the error
callback && callback(error, null);
debug( d => d(`fetch() top level error: ${error.stack || error}`) );
throw Store.reject(error);
Gets a model by ID. The method looks for a matching model in the collection. If one
is not found then one is requested from the endpoint.
@param id - the model ID
@return {Promise} reolves with the model or undefined if one is not found
find(id) {
if (!this.isConnected()) { return Store.reject(`Collection ${this.slashPath()} is not connected`) }
try {
const model = this._getModel(id);
const epId = this.endpointId;
if (model) {
return Store.resolve(;
} else {
return this._on(FindOp)
.then( () => {
// ensure endpoint did not change
if (epId !== this.endpointId) { return null }
return this.endpoint.doFind(id) ;
.then( state => {
// ensure endpoint did not change
if (epId !== this.endpointId) { return null }
this.addModel(state, NONE_OPTION); () => this.emit(FoundEvent, this._(), this) );
return this.getModel(id);
.catch( error => this.onError(error, `Find model ${id}`) );
} catch(error) {
return this.onError(error, `Find model ${id}`);
Gets a model by ID. The method looks for a matching model in the collection and never
looks for one remotely through the endpoint.
@param id - the model ID
@return {Object} the model or undefined if one is not found
getModel(id) {
const model = this._getModel(id);
return model &&;
Gets if the collection contains a matching model.
@param id - the model ID
@return {boolean}
hasModel(id) {
const state = this._();
return state[_id2cid].has(id) || state[_models].has(id);
Gets if the collection is active (has a shadow) and an endpoint.
isConnected() {
return this._() && this._()[_endpoint] && this._()[_endpoint].isConnected();
Gets if a fetching operation that will replace ALL models is in progress.
isFetching() {
return this[_fetching];
Gets if a model has never been persisted to the endpoint.
isNew(id) {
const model = this._getModel(id);
return !model || model.isNew();
Gets if a model shadow state model represents a model that has never been persisted
to the endpoint.
isNewModel(shadow) {
const id = this.extractId(shadow);
return !id;
Gets the shadow models currently managed by the collection.
@return {array} all models being managed by the collection
modelsArray(state) {
if (!state && !this.isConnected()) { throw new Error(`Collection is not connected.`) }
state = state || this._();
const models = state[_models];
const keys = Object.keys(models);
const result = [];
for (let i=0, len=keys.length; i<len; i++) {
result.push( models[keys[i]].data );
return result;
Gets an iterator with [ID, model] paris.
@return {Array}
modelEntries(state) {
if (!state && !this.isActive()) { return doneIterator; }
state = state || this._();
const models = state[_models];
const keys = this.modelKeysArray(state);
return iterateOver(keys, key => [key, this.getModel(key)] );
Gets an iterator containing each model IDs.
@return {Iterator}
modelKeys(state=this._()) {
// too brute force but quick and sure to work
return iteratorFor(this.modelKeysArray(state));
Gets an array containing each model iDs.
@return {Array}
modelKeysArray(state) {
if (!state && !this.isActive()) { return []; }
state = state || this._();
return Object.keys(state[_models]);
Gets an iterator containing each f.lux shadow state model.
@return {Iterator}
modelValues(state=this._()) {
return iterateOver(this.modelKeysArray(state), key => this.getModel(key, state));
Synchronously removes the model from the collection without performing an endpoint operation.
@param id - the model id or cid
remove(id) {
if (!this.hasModel(id)) { return }
const model = this._getModel(id);
const prevShadow = this._();
Removes all models from the collection and marks the collection as having not synched with the
removeAllModels() {
if (!this.isActive()) { return }
this._keyed.set(_synced, false);
Saves a model through the endpoint.
@param id - the model id or cid
@param {string} [mergeOp=REPLACE_OPTION] - one of `DEFAULTS_OPTION`, `MERGE_OPTION`, or
`REPLACE_OPTION` and specifies how to combine an existing model with a matching ID
with a newly retrieved model.
@return {Promise} resolves to the f.lux shadow state for the saved model
save(id, mergeOp=MERGE_OPTION) {
if (!this.isConnected()) { return Store.reject(`Collection ${this.slashPath()} is not connected`) }
const model = this._getModel(id);
const cid = model && model.cid;
const shadow = model &&;
if (!model) { return Store.reject(`Collection ${this.slashPath()} model not found: id=${id}`) }
try {
const shadowState = shadow.__().nextState();
const opName = this.isNewModel(shadow) ?CreateOp :UpdateOp;
const epId = this.endpointId;
return this._on(opName)
.then( () => {
// ensure endpoint did not change
if (epId !== this.endpointId) { return null }
model.waiting = true;
if (this.isNewModel(shadow)) {
return this.endpoint.doCreate(shadow, shadowState);
} else {
return this.endpoint.doUpdate(, shadow, shadowState);
.then( savedState => {
// ensure endpoint did not change
if (epId !== this.endpointId) { return model }
const currModel = model.$().latest();
const savedId = this.extractId(savedState);
currModel.waiting = false;
// Put an entry in id->cid mapping
if (savedId != id) {
this._()[_id2cid].set(savedId, cid);
switch (mergeOp) {
if (savedId !== id) {
return Store.reject(`Invalid post-save option: ${mergeOp}`);
.then( () => currModel.$().latest() );
.then( model => {
// ensure endpoint did not change
if (epId === this.endpointId) {
Store.setTimeout( () => this.emit(SavedEvent, this._(), this) );
return model &&;
.catch( error => {
let currModel = model.$().latest();
if (currModel) {
currModel.waiting = false
return this.onError(error, `Save ${id} - cid=${currModel.cid}`)
} catch(error) {
return this.onError(error, `Save ${id} - cid=${model.cid}`);
Sets the property name containing the model ID. Default is `id`.
setIdName(idName) {
this._()[_idName] = idName;
TODO: make private
setFetching(fetching) {
this[_fetching] = fetching;
// this._keyed.set(_fetching, fetching);
Bulk replaces current models with an array of new models.
@param {array} models - array of model values
@param {boolean} [syncOp=true] - sets the `synced` flag to true if this parameter is true
setModels(models, syncOp=true) {
this.addModels(models, REPLACE_OPTION, syncOp);
// Methods Collection subclasses may want to override
Generates an ID for a new object. The default implementation generates: temp-[UUID].
makeId() {
return `temp_${ uuid('_') }`;
Subclasses can override this method to remove underlying transport specific properties.
clean(json) {
return json;
Used by the private _shadow() method to get the id from the model JSON representation as returned by the
subclass doXXX() apis. The default implementation simply returns the 'id' model property.
extractId(model) {
var idName = this._()[_idName];
return isPlainObject(model) ?model[idName] :model;
/** @ignore */
onError(error, opMsg) {
var msg;
if (error.status) {
let statusText = error.status
?error.response.statusText || `HTTP Code=${error.status}`
:"HTTP status code not specified"
msg = `Error during collection operation '${opMsg} (${ this.endpointId })' - ` +
`Server Error: status=${statusText}`;
} else if (error.message) {
msg = `Error during collection operation '${opMsg} (${ this.endpointId })' - Collection Error: ${error.message}`;
} else {
msg = `Error during collection operation '${opMsg} (${ this.endpointId })' - Error: ${error}`;
debug( d => d(`Error: ${msg}`, error) );
const collectionError = new Error(msg);
collectionError.status = error.status;
collectionError.endpointError = error;
this.emit(ErrorEvent, collectionError, this._(), this);
return Store.reject(collectionError);
// Private methods
Gets the Model container object NOT the actual model.
_getModel(id) {
const state = this._();
const id2cid = state[_id2cid];
var cid = id2cid.has(id) ?id2cid.get(id) :id;
return state[_models].get(cid);
StateType.defineType(CollectionProperty, spec => {
// Mix in `Emitter`